What are Skills and How are they Used

What are Skills and How are they Used

In addition to using the Business Unit of Job Types and Technicians to determine availability, Skills are used to give us more granular control of the types of jobs that show availability when booking. 

What Are Skills?

Skills are an additional attribute that you can assign to both Job Types and Technicians.

Assigning a Skill to a Job Type indicates that you want only technicians who are assigned that same skill to run the job. 

Skills can represent a particular competency or resource required to perform a type of work. As an example, a Water Leak job type could be assigned a Skill of “Leak Detect Tool”. Techs with that tool on their truck could be assigned the same Skill. This will ensure that techs assigned to a Water Leak job have the right tool to perform the job.

At Goettl, we’ve built a specific Skills that represents each of our Job Types. We then assign those skills to the techs we want to run those types of jobs. 

How are Skill Used by ACP and Dispatch Pro?

Skills are used as an additional filter by ACP when determining if we have availability to run a job within an Arrival Window.

Once ACP determines there are technicians who have availability within an arrival window, it then further checks to see if any of those available techs have the required Skill to perform the work. If none of the techs have the required Skill, the Arrival Window cannot be selected.

Skills are also used by Dispatch Pro in determining which tech it will assign jobs to. Dispatch Pro, in determining which tech to assign a job, only considers techs who have been assigned the skill a job requires. Then, amongst those techs, it takes into account factors such as Drive Time and a tech’s past performance on similar jobs as part of its algorithm, in determining who to assign to a job

If a technician does not have the required skill, Dispatch Pro will not assign them the job. That job will need to be assigned manually.

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