Databricks Report List

Databricks Report List

While the full data lakehouse functionality is being expanded, we have built some reports to give Goettl decision makers insights from the data work we have completed so far.

Using Databricks: This is not the fanciest system. In some cases, these reports are still in the format the data team uses to create them. If you click on a link and see something that looks like this:

you can ignore the top section entirely. That is the SQL code used to pull the data. In fact, you'd like, you can expand the bottom part to cover it entirely. 

When you make changes to the filters/parameters, you need to click the APPLY CHANGES button. (Seen in the screenshot below on the far right.)

After running the report, you can export the result by clicking the arrow next to Raw Results

Prebuilt Reports

The name of the report is a link. Click it to open the report. You will be asked to sign in to Databricks with your Microsoft Account. 
If you attempt to login and do not have access, please create a ticket at using the top option, choose "PowerBI/report" from the "Application" drop down, and enter "Access Request" into the Short Description field.

Average Hours Per JobCalculates the average hours (clock hours not man hours) it takes to complete a job by job type. Also includes the current hours allocated to that job type in ServiceTitan. Designed to guide branches on resetting allocated hours.
Average Hours Per Job by techSame as Average Hours Per Job but includes the ability to separate by technician. 
AverageTurnsPerDayCalculated the average turns per tech per day. First calculates the turns per tech per day only for techs working on that day. Then creates an average for that day. 
Call lookupLooks up phone numbers and returns any call, customer, or job activity associated with that phone number.
Cancellations by branchCancel rates by branch
Cancellations by job typeCancels by job type
Cancellations by Day of weekCancels separated by day of the week
CancelledJobCountList of filterable cancelled jobs
CancelledJobsByCategoryCancelled job counts by cancel category (preventable, not preventalble, false, etc)
Cancels - Who canceledCancelled jobs by the role (CXR, Branch Dispatch, Branch, Other) of the person who cancelled.
Cancels by Appointment hourCancelled jobs by the hour of the appointment
Cancels by CampaignCancelled jobs sortable by the originiating campaign
Cancels by created cancelled difCancels by the number of days between the appointment creation and the scheduled date of the appointment
Cancels by hourCancels by hour of the day (when they are canceled)
Cancels by typeCancels by Cancel Type (No approval, Did not confirm, etc)
Cash PaymentsList of jobs with a payment type of cash. Includes job date and collected date.
Returns count of type, count, and revenue for jobs by the group or type of job of the parent job. For example, will show the job count and total revenue of jobs created from Maintenance jobs.
Company Requested CancelledJobCountCount of cancellation requests where the type is Company Requested Reschedule
CompletedJobCountCount of completed jobs
Compliance SoldHoursExceptionList of jobs where the sold hours on an invoice task does not match the item hours on the invoice task.
Returns a list of appointment windows where a technician has more than one appointment scheduled to start at the exact same time. Includes the job class of the jobs and the job numbers. Will not include appointments that are overlapping but do not have the same start time.
Discount ReportingDetails of discounts given on jobs with a count of the number of discounts on an invoice and a total discount %.
DispatchProUsage(Beta) Attempts to determine then number of jobs scheduled by DispatchPro v. manually dispatched
DriveTimeRatioRatio of drive time to work time. Data is from ServiceTitan. An effort is made to exclude "bad" tech check-ins.
Estimate analysisPer job listing of estimate counts.
Estimate countSimple one number average of estimate counts per job
Exception | Appointment WorkflowLists appointments where the check-in occurs an unreasonable amount of time before the appoinment. This report estimates possible deviations from the appointment workflow.
Exec LaborUt with Driving breakout.Same as LaborUt but with addition vews on one page--designed for ease of use by leaders managing more than one branch
ExecView DispatchProUsageSame as View DispatchProUsage with more views added on one page--designed for ease of use by leaders managing more than one branch
FieldOps | CallbacksNumber of callbacks by branch, trade, job type, technician et al. OJ in the field name indicates the field reflects the Original Job. CB in the field name indicates the field is reflective of the callback job
FieldOps | Callbacks%Same as FieldOps | Callbacks but as a percentage of total jobs.
First Customer JobFinds the first job for all customers and creates a total for all customers with the same first job type. Currently limited to customers what were created after 1/1/2022.
HoursOnZero$InvoicesCalculates the number of man hours spent on invoices with a $0 invoice total
Job Count by DayHistorical count of jobs per day. Includes average, high, and low temperatures for that day along with precipitation. Can filter by Callback.
Returns the count of jobs by day of week and create time rounded to the nearest half hour.  
LaborUt with Driving breakout.Assumes 7 hours per technician per day is available to work  and calculates the actual amount of time they are working compared to not working both inclusive and exclusive of drive time
LateAnyAppointmentTotal number of appointments where we missed the window
LateAnyAppointment - %Total number of appointments where we missed the window/total appointments during the selected period
Lifetime billing by job typeLifetime customer value by job type of first job.
Lookup Job NumberEnter a job number and get an Invoice number or jobID. Enter a job ID get a job number. Note, if entering a job ID, The job number field must have a % in it and vice versa.
MembershipCount of active memberships by month
NonRevenueJobsList of jobs in the non-revenue job category
PastBacklogList of jobs that appear to be completed but are not marked as such
Post Dispatch CancelsCancels that occurred after a technician was dispatched
RanJobsList of jobs ran
Refund RatioRatio of refunds to jobs ran
Revenue to Discount RatioRatio of revenue to discounts
Same Day Reschedule CountCount of cancels where the date canceled and the date of the appoingment are equal.
SameDayCancelsList of cancels where the date canceled and the date of the appoingment are equal.
ServiceTitanUserEmailListList of all Goettl ServiceTitan users
SoldHoursExceptionFor dashboard. List of jobs where the sold hours on an invoice task does not match the item hours on the invoice task. 
Turns and hoursTurns per day and productive hours per day per technician.
Turns and hours - Moving AverageCalculates a moving average of turns per day and productive hours per day per technician.
Utility | BranchesList of all branches
Utility | Cancel TypeList of all cancel types
Utility | DivisionList of all divisions
Utility | Job ClassList of all job types
Utility | Job GroupList of all job groups
Utility | SubdivisionList of all subdivisions
Utility | TechniciansList of all technicians
VendorsList of all vendors

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