Setting up a publicly available calendar that lets people choose dates and times you are available is a great way to remove a little friction from your work life. The instructions below will guide you through two ways to setup a personal “Book with Me” page using Microsoft Teams or Zoom. Both providers have a myriad of options including the ability to book only when an entire team is available and the ability to book when any team member is available.
To setup a page that will use Teams as the default meeting provider:
1. Go to and sign in with your Goettl account.
2. Click “Go to my booking page”
3. On your booking page, click the + in the Public Section
4. Add a title. I went (e.g. “Book a meeting with me”)
5. Make sure you have the “Teams meeting” switch on(dot to the right) in the location section.
6. Choose a meeting length
7. Select “Public”
8. In the schedule customization section, you have a couple options to set your available hours. Regardless of which option you choose, Bookings will only show times that are free on your calendar.
a. Use my regular meeting hours: This option will set your available time window to whatever your work hours are set as in Outlook.
b. Use custom availability hours: This option allows you to set a start and end time for each day of the week.
9. Click “Advanced Options”
10. Change the minimum lead time to your preference. This setting allows you to control the soonest appointment someone on your booking page will see. For example, Iset mine to 1 hour. This means that if someone goes to my booking page at9:30AM the first appointment they will see is 10:30AM even if I am free from9:30-10:30.
11. Click Save at the top of the page.
12. Back at your booking page, click "Share" then “Copy Link”.
13. Paste the link into a new browser window to test your page.
14. You now have a Booking page!
You can repeat these steps to add additional meetings of different lengths if you prefer.
To setup a page using Zoom as the default meeting provider:
1. Go to
2. Click Sign in at the upper right corner of the page
3. Below the Sign In button, click SSO
4. Enter Goettl in the box and click continue
5. Depending on your computer, you may have to sign into your office365 account at this point.
6. When you get through sign in, you should be on a page that looks like this:
7. In the menu on the left, click “Scheduler”
8. Click Get started
9. Enter a name for your scheduler page. (e.g. goetll-lenm)
10. Click Next
11. Click Sign in with Microsoft
12. Sign in using your Goettl credentials for Microsoft/Office be sure to select “Stay Signed In”
13. Click Create Schedules > Create a schedule
14. For your personal availability, you’ll choose One to One
15. Choose a name for this schedule
17. Select the rest of the settings based on your preferences
18. Click next
19. On this page, you can set the hours you want people to be able to schedule meetings. Note: No matter what you put here, people will not be able to book over existing meetings on your Goettl calendar.
20. Click next
21. On the Notifications page, I didn’t change anything. You can add text message reminders and other things. For most people, just click Next
22. The More Options page allow you to set minimum notice times (i.e. How long before a meeting starts can someone book.) I like to give myself an hour. You can also set a maximum advance time (i.e. How far in advance can someone book.)
23. Click Finish
24. You will be given the option to copy the link to the meeting you just setup.
25. You can setup more meetings with different lengths or settings by repeating steps13 through 23.